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The Neal Deoul Story - The Brewer Report:

Cancer Cover-Up: The Book

How Cancer Cells can be Destroyed


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The Neal Deoul Story - The Brewer Report

Cancer Cover-Up: The Book

How Cancer Cells can be Destroyed

  A. Keith Brewer, Ph.D.
A.. Keith Brewer Science Library, 325 N. Central Ave., Richland Center, WI 53581



How Cancer Cells are Forms:


Fig. 1...The Normal Oxygenation Process of a Healthy Cell
(Aerobic state)

A normal cell showing healthy Oxygen tension (O2) and respiration across the cell membrane. There is free exchange of nutrient Glucose (G) across the cell membrane. Cell pH is normal in the range of 7.35 to 7.45.


Fig. 1...The Normal Oxygenation Process of a Healthy Cell - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas






Fig. 2...Forming the Cancer Cell *
(From aerobic to anaerobic state - From respiration to fermentation)

1. The energized cell membrane resulting, possibly, from prolonged irritation. Creates a condition where Glucose (G) can enter the cell, and Oxygen (O2) cannot.




The cancer cell completely loses pH control.


2. Glucose undergoes fermentation to Lactic acid (L); cell pH drops to 6.5. Lactic acid attacks the DNA, destroying template action. Messenger RNA is changed and the control mechanism of the cell is destroyed. In the acid medium, enzymes within the cell become toxic, eventually bringing about the death of the cell as well as the host. A tumor, therefore, consists of a layer of living cells with uncontrolled growth surrounding a central mass of dead cells.


Fig. 2...Forming the Cancer Cell * - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas






Fig. 3...High pH Therapy with Cesium **

(Destroying the Cancer Cell)


3. Potassium, Rubidium and especially Cesium are the most alkaline of elements. When they are taken up by the cancer cells, they will thus raise the pH of the cancer cells. Since they are very alkaline as compared to the weak lactic acid, it is possible that the pH will be raised to values in the 8.0 to 9.0 pH range.


In this range, the life of the cancer cell is short, being a matter of days at most. The dead cancer cells are then absorbed by the body fluids and eventually eliminated from the system.


4. The ready uptake of Cesium, in adjacent fluids, limits the transport of Glucose across the cell membrane. Fermentation is diminished, acid formation is reduced, and pain usually subsides in 12 to 24 hours.

**Keith Brewer, PhD (Physics) 1984


Fig. 3...High pH Therapy with Cesium - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas











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